Tuesday, July 7, 2009


O.K. so it's been a while since my last post! I do apologize. But I swear I think that these days, I am all out of funny. Fresh out. None in stock, not even a crumb. I don't know what's up with me lately but I feel like I have nothing interesting or remotely humorous to share.

Robert and I were talking the other night and he was giving me a hard time about not updating the blog and we were trying to think of ideas for an entry and it was like there were crickets in the room. Complete silence... nothing... nada... zip.

So I decided that would make a good topic. Being over "funny." I just don't have the energy anymore to be hilarious, not that I ever was hilarious, but still! So I am sitting here watching Addison eat her lunch and the T.V. is of course showing footage of the MJ funeral, and nothing funny is going on.

I mean Addison is covered head to toe in Mac-N-Cheese, but that's normal. And, she is attempting to eat with a spoon, leaving evidence of her inexperience everywhere, but every house has that at some point... right? Now the bowl has been dumped and she is licking the bottom of it while laughing at the sight of so much Mac-N-Cheese on the floor... totally uneventful!

So now she is "AHHH DAHHH" or "all done" with her food so it's time for fruit. Today seems like a blueberry day since I bought a shit-ton of them for a play date that I forgot I couldn't go to because I have to sit here and wait for the cable guy for 5 hours. Now, I don't know if many of you know this, but Addison can eat more blueberries than we can buy, so I typically just cut a heap of them on her highchair and let her go to town. What is it about fruit that makes her go ballistic? Who knows, but I am grateful because she won't go near a vegetable, not even if I hide it in something else. She goes all stealth mode on me and eats around the vegetable and then spits it out, amazing. She can't say "please," but she can maneuver her tongue to eat around a vegetable in order to spit it out later.
O.K. so now we have a poopy diaper so I think my computer time is up, so hopefully there will be more interesting stories to come. Sorry for the lackluster play by play of our uneventful afternoon, but I just didn't have anything else to share and I needed to get back into the game... thanks for listening:)

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